Services Provided by Mental Playbook Consulting
Mental training services are provided for athletes, coaches, athletic staff, and parents of athletic programs through individual and team sessions as well as mental training mini-camps, workshops, and clinics..
Individual Sessions
Individual sessions are available for athletes and coaches. These are one-on-one sessions with the Mental Training Specialist to help athletes and coaches incorporate mental training skills and techniques into their performance. Sessions are available on a one-time, weekly, monthly, and flexible schedule basis.
Team Sessions
Team sessions are team-wide sessions with the Mental Training Specialist to develop mental training skills on the individual and team level to build mental training strength as a unit. Sessions are available on a one-time, weekly, and monthly basis.
Mental Training Mini-Camps
Mental training mini-camps are available for individual athletes, teams, coaches/coaching staff, and parents of athletic programs. This is a one-time session that covers mental training concepts in a mini-camp format.
Tip: This style of mental training presentation is a beneficial tool to use in the pre-season!
Tip: This style of mental training presentation is a beneficial tool to use in the pre-season!
Workshops and presentations designed specifically for the needs of athletic programs are available.
Mental Training Clinics
Mental Training clinics are available to provide education about the field of sport psychology as well as implementation of mental training programs.